Are you looking for a free credit card. The fact is that many banks including ICICI bank, HDFC bank and citibank are offering life time free credit cards. Many people don’t know that credit card is free nowadays. If you are employed and have a salary of 5000 you can get a life time free credit card. You can apply for a credit card online or contact these banks in your area and you can get a credit card in two weeks.
If you are a student or you have no income then you can shop online with a virtual credit card.
How to get a virtual credit card number
1. Open an hdfc normal SB account
2. Also apply of online banking and debit card.
3. In the online banking account there is an option to create Net safe Card.
Create a net safe card for the amount you want and you will get a temperary credit card no.
4. You can use this credit card number on any website including clickbank, paypal etc.
The netsafe card has an advantage over normal credit cards. The netsafe card can be used only once and it expires with in 24 hours. With netsafe card you dont have to reveal your credit card number.
The advantages of credit cards are
You get a temperory credit for about 52 days with no interest.
If you want to purchase softwares and ebooks online a credit card is a MUST.
15 years ago
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